
Showing posts from 2013

How to create a tailored web marketing plan to your small business

Google Targeting | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Google Targeting | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Google Targeting | Social Media Today

This weekend my partner was researching Crete Hotels and attractions for an upcoming trip we are planning when she discovered the latest of Google’s bold moves at using yours and our data. No I’m not talking about spilling all our beans to the NSA, but offering your google mail address to businesses via search, this may be even more Machiavellian. I got your attention, I know. The screenshot below shows my private email address revealed on page one of the SERPs, an email I seldom ever use for business, but generally for only for personal correspondence. Google is now using this feature to entice and add value to third party ads obviously, and once you click on the “get offers” suggestion, you see the big confirmation: “✔ You have successfully signed up to receive offers.” With all the tech headlines hammering away at Facebook these days, one has to ponder how Google escapes a lambasting over such user privacy instigation. Looking in my own “inbox” just now, I find a notification from t...

Customer Loyalty Declining | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Customer Loyalty Declining | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Customer Loyalty Declining | Social Media Today

Customer Loyalty Declining | Social Media Today . Various studies point in the same direction: customer loyalty is disappearing in a hurry. Consumers put less trust in brands and tend to switch brands a lot faster. The famous 80/20 rule (20% of the customers account for 80% of the turnover) has turned into a 60/40 rule (40% of the customers generate 60% of the turnover) and is slowly evolving towards a 50/50 rule. In the latter case, loyal and disloyal customers generate the same amount of income. This shift is putting quite a few established marketing tactics in doubt. Should marketers invest less in loyalty programs? Or should they invest more? Should marketers favor proven methods such as investing in mass media? The brand paradox On the one hand it’s no surprise that brand loyalty is on the wane. Apart from the odd exception, top brands aren’t able to retain their status as market leaders as long as they used to. A loyal customer base can melt away in twelve short months. Many of N...

A More Effective Home Page | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

A More Effective Home Page | Social Media Today | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

A More Effective Home Page | Social Media Today

A More Effective Home Page | Social Media Today . At the risk of stating the obvious, your website is the hub of your marketing. My next uber obvious observation is your home page will be its most visited page. I like to say  your home page is the lobby of your business.  So before I lay a series of copywriting tips on you for improving your home page, let’s look at the home page experience from your visitor’s point of view. They are new guests in your virtual home. Nothing’s all that familiar. They will take in every little thing—consciously or subconsciously, subtle or not— and make judgements. To get a vibe. To make a decision. What exactly is this decision? I can’t help but quote a favorite rock band, The Clash: Should I stay or should I go? You need to remind yourself of this when making decisions about the composition of your home page, in particular, the copy presented there. Comfort is the key This decision, stay or go, boils down to comfort. When the visitor feels it, they inv...

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Understanding Social Media Research

11 Hidden Messages in Company Logos

Primer: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in the Social Media Age

Primer: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in the Social Media Age .   Primer: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in the Social Media Age

18 Fresh Stats About the Current State of Social Media Marketing

18 Fresh Stats About the Current State of Social Media Marketing . 18 Fresh Stats About the Current State of Social Media Marketing

Advertising vs. Sales Promotion

Advertising Defined Advertising positions a product or service against that of competitors to convey a brand message to consumers and to enhance its value in the consumer’s eyes. A television commercial for a brand new automobile emphasizing the car’s new features and styling is an example of advertising. Sales Promotion Defined Sales promotions include a variety of strategies designed to offer purchasers an extra incentive to buy, usually in the short-term. Examples of sales promotions include cents-off coupons, two-for-the-price-of-one sales and double coupons at the grocery store, all for a limited period of time, Key Differences The key difference between advertising and sales promotion is the nature of the appeal to the consumer. Advertising is emotional in nature and the objective is to create an enduring brand image. Perfumes, makeup and jewelery need imaginative advertising to create the allure needed to sell these products. Sales promotions, on the other hand, are unemotional ...

Mobile Ready Websites | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Mobile Ready Websites | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - SEO - Search Engine Optimization | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - SEO - Search Engine Optimization | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Pay Per Click, Adwords | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Pay Per Click, Adwords | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Social Network Marketing | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Social Network Marketing | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Google Maps Placement | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

OTM Online Advertising Agency - Google Maps Placement | OTM (On The Maps!) Online Advertising Agency Las Vegas

Back To Basics: Getting Started With Keyword Research & Content Creation

Back To Basics: Getting Started With Keyword Research & Content Creation Sometimes, the best path to success in SEO is going back to the basics of good old fashioned keyword research and content creation with the end goal in mind: the customer and the conversion. In this article, I’ll look at a website that was submitted for review from a “Keywords and Content” focus. The site is  Restoration Parts Source  (RPS), an e-commerce website supplying restoration car parts and accessories for new, vintage and classic U.S. makes and models. 1.  Don’t Focus Only On Broad Keywords In his submission, Michael, RPS’s Web consultant, listed some keywords that are important to them, such as [classic car parts] and [restoration car parts]. While you do want to improve search results for broad keywords like these if you can, the competition can be very high. Plus, you’ll often find the actual business from broad keywords may not be as significant as you expect. ...

Long Tail Content For SEO — 2013 & Beyond

Long Tail Content For SEO — 2013 & Beyond There was the old way of doing SEO for the long tail. It worked for a long time, and lots of people made  lots  of money doing it. But those days are gone. What was the old way, you ask? In a nutshell: Research a long list of long-tail keywords Create a page for each long-tail term Give each page a title tag with the key phrase at the very start of the title tag Implement a header tag with the same key phrase at the start of it Write some simple blather type text that repeats the key phrase once or twice and arguably adds some additional value Focus the page on conversion Often, all you’d end up with is a site that simply tried to capture traffic for every imaginable related search phrase: Simple planning, easy execution, not so great user experience — but who cares? Lots of money to be made! This approach got so ingrained in our online culture that there are still thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of pub...

Lenovo Sells More Smartphones Than PCs

Welcome to this morning's edition of " First To Know ," a series in which we keep you in the know on what's happening in the digital world. Today, we're looking at three particularly interesting stories. Lenovo  released its quarterly earnings  on Wednesday — a record $8.8 billion in revenue and more than $170 million in profits. For the first time, it sold more smartphones than PCs. Jason Holtman, the former director of business development at Valve, has a new gig  at  Microsoft . And  Apple 's beta iCloud site  now looks a lot like iOS7 . This is the first we've seen of the iOS mobile design on the web. The TREND is HERE!!! Mobile will overtake PC usage by double in 2014. Is your business ready? Multi-Device Compatible Websites and Online Marketing...Convert Today!!! For help with your business visit

A Marketer's Guide to Retargeting Facebook Ads

A Marketer's Guide to Retargeting Facebook Ads Love it or hate it,  Facebook  is one of the most viewed websites on the web. If you’re a business hoping your ad will meet a lot of eyes, you could do worse than look to Facebook. With multiple options for advertising available — whether via the News Feed or the righthand sidebar —leveraging these options to optimize advertising is important for any brand. SEE ALSO:  5 Common Brand Messaging Mistakes by Marketers The following infographic from  MDG Advertising  examines Facebook Exchange (FBX), Facebook’s retargeting ad platform, which enables advertisers to execute real-time bidding (RTB) for the social network's impressive ad inventory. Check it out to learn how FBX works and which Facebook real estate is best for your ad. Did you find this infographic helpful? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Infographic:  MDG Advertising Image: iStockphoto,  pressureUA For ...

Are Paid Facebook Ads Worth the Bucks?

Are Paid Facebook Ads Worth the Bucks? To advertise on  Facebook , or not to advertise on Facebook? There's still  plenty of debate  about whether advertising on Facebook (or social media in general) is worth it, and whether it's more useful as a lead generation tactic than a direct driver of sales. But as anyone on Facebook can see from the sheer number of promoted posts and sponsored stories, that businesses large and small are opening their wallets. SEE ALSO:  The 10 Most Engaging Facebook Cover Photos We wanted to learn what's actually working on Facebook for startups, so we asked a panel of successful entrepreneurs which Facebook advertising strategies they find most useful — and what kind of ROI they're seeing so far. Here's what they had to say: 1. Hitting Specific Targets Our company has used Facebook marketing to directly target users we want. We found that the Facebook app Install Ads is showing amazing results in certain markets. It'...