9 Ways Your Virtual Google Card Will Improve Your Sex Life

Has your sex life been a little limp lately? If so, you might be interested to know that Google is releasing a new product called Virtual Google Cards - a tool that could have profound implications for the quantity of raw passion in your life. The basic idea of this new service goes something like this: when a user types your name into search, Google will spit back a virtual business card with all your details on it. It’ll act as a kind of central repository for all relevant personal information, such as your bio, expertise, website, and contact details. What’s more, it’ll all appear right there in search results as a pop-out box, making it easy for people to get in touch with you. Could it improve your sex life though? Almost certainly. Here’s how: The person who always fancied you at school will be able to type in your name, see how successful you are, and immediately begin instant messaging you over WhatsApp to tell you how much they miss you. You’ll l...